Tracey Thorne
My recommended Products
Here is a list of my recommned products that I use as part of my artist practice.

Jacquard Cyanotype Sensitizer Set £18.49 - Amazon
Cottam Poly Foam Brush Set £5.49 - Amazon
Lucemill Distilled Water 500ml £7.99 - Amazon
Measuring Spoons Sets £7.99 - Amazon
Inkjet Premium OHP A4 Acetate Transparency Film - Amazon
Jacquard Cyanotype Pretreat Fabric Shts 10Pk £31.57 - Amazon
Jacquard Cyanotype Pretreat Fabric Shts 30Pk £44.52 Amazon
Jacquard Cyanotype Pretreat Mural Fbrc 5X7Ft £42.73 - Amazon
ARCHES Bloc Enc 14,8x21 12H Aquarelle 100% Satin 300g Blanc NAT, White £13.99 - Amazon
Winsor and Newton Watercolour Paper Pad, A4, 12 Sheets, 300 g/m £12.45 - Amazon
Cambridge Lined Paper A4 Refill Pad, 100 Page, Legal Pad, Yellow, Pack of 5 £15.99 - Amazon
Fabriano Classico 5 Watercolour A4 Pad - 300gsm (140lb) 25 Sheets £23.99 - Amazon